Memory is a universal human experience. We can feel stuck within it, nostalgia in experiencing it, stubbornness to forget it, anxiety to preserve it, or joy in recalling it. There are two categories of long-term memory—explicit and implicit memories. Explicit memory is the information people consciously remember. In contrast, Implicit memory is the experiential form of memory that is recalled unconsciously and requires a stimuli to bring awareness to it. Implicit memory can never be recalled as it was once lived. Everytime one recalls a memory, it is morphed and shaped by the current context. The memory is seen through the lens of the stimulus that reveals it.
Reverberate attempts to reconstruct implicit memories relative to music. Using music as the stimulus, Reverberate seeks to document the fragmented nature of those unconscious memories. Music can reawaken memories that lay dormant. Reverberate combines personal accounts and psychology to create a visual collection that illustrates the experience of engaging implicit memory through music. Memory connected to music is more than just remembering. It’s rediscovering, reconnecting, reconstructing, reimagining.