Lauren Biagini

The Arb


The more time we spend indoors and in front of screens, the more disconnected we become from the natural world — the very environment in which we were genetically coded to thrive. This disconnection isn’t just a threat to our well-being, it’s toxic for our planet: the more isolated we become from nature, the less invested we are in protecting it.

The Arb sprung from a desire to fight this specific apathy and to foster sturdier connections to our environment. A new identity system for the United States National Arboretum creates an opportunity to raise awareness of the organization and attract new visitors, thereby reaching a new population of potential nature lovers in Washington, D.C. Designed to represent the Arboretum as both a living museum and a botanical research center, the new identity establishes a visual language that communicates both the integrity and the allure of the institution.

See thesis book